Botox – What to Expect

You made your Botox appointment – what happens before, during, & after?

Prior to your appointment, we recommend that you review the pre- and post- procedure instructions:

click here for a downloadable PDF copy.

Upon arrival, you’ll be asked to fill out some standard treatment and consent forms, and read a few disclaimers. We’ll head into the treatment room to discuss possible treatment complications, such as bruising. Dr. Mangat will review your medical history and you’ll be able to ask any questions, or voice any concerns you may have about the procedure. 

With your permission, we may take your photograph before the injections so you can see your results after receiving the injections. 

You will have the option to use topical numbing (at no additional charge). Probably 50% of our patients forgo this option and simply use ice during the procedure. 

The actual procedure takes less than 5-10 min. to perform, depending on what areas we are treating. Dr. Mangat will assess your facial muscle structure and then rapidly provide 5-6 injections per treatment site. The procedure is not painless, but it’s not overly uncomfortable, either. To wrap up, we’ll review the post-procedure instructions with you to ensure the best outcome possible. 

During check out, you’ll schedule your 2 week follow-up appointment. This visit allows us time to assess your response to the Botox and perform any additional treatments, if necessary. Dr. Mangat’s philosophy is that it is better to err on the side of using less Botox (especially on your 1st visit) because you can always give more, but you cannot remove it.

The Botox may begin to take effect within the first 24 hours, but for many people, it takes a 14 days to see the full effect of their treatment. Your wrinkles and creases will become softer and often fully disappear. People will notice how rested you look. It will be a little harder to move your forehead or frown, but you’ll still be able to make facial expressions without a hitch.

The biggest concern when having this procedure is a droopy eyelid. This happens when Botox migrates down into the muscles above the eye, but having a skilled physician, like Dr. Mangat, essentially makes this a rare occurrence.

Contact us today if you have further questions or concerns.